ICT company



In typical SME segments, we have always come across the use of more than one type of technology application for running and maintaining its business processes. In this scenario, every application caters to the specific needs of the specific departments maintaining specific information.

An example in this case would be an enterprise maintaining Accounts related information in Accounts Package, HR related information in HR Package, Daily transaction details in some Package, and so on and so forth. In this environment each system has to rely on a set of common data to communicate with each other and this can sometime leads to some form of complications in maintaining the data and forming business reporting structure i.e. double entry of same records in various different packages.

The integrated application PERPS v5.0 Enterprise Edition comes into picture to avoid the above mentioned complication. The introduction of an ERP system is to replace two or more independent applications by eliminating the need of maintaining each application separately and thus providing standardization, lower maintenance and disappearing the worry of keeping numbers in synchronization across multiple system.

An ERP package has to ensure that it covers all the business function with other transaction in an organization and integrate all into a single unified system. PERPS’ v5.0 Enterprise Edition is helping organizations ensure that their business activities are aligned by the Technology from General Planning to Detailed Planning (programming) to Execution and Control. PERPS v5.0 Enterprise Edition has been helping businesses in avoiding the complications of disjointed application systems in a typical manufacturing organization dependent on multiple applications.

PERPS v5.0 Enterprise Edition is helping organizations integrate all its data, information and business processes into centralized storage system. This in turn is helping business user’s ease of communication between each other through the system. It avoids dual entries problem i.e. wrong entries happening when the output of one module is being re-entered in other modules, etc… Having the data in the centralized repository helps the users to enjoy various complex business reporting. This benefits organizations in terms of man-hour reduction in generating reports and double entry of records in more than one application.

When PERPS v1.0 Enterprise Edition was first rolled out in the year 2000 in the market, the manufacturing units were either using disjointed application systems or without any proper system in place. PERPS v5.0 Enterprise Edition has been the culmination of expertise gained catering to various industries by implementing the subsequent versions of PERPS Enterprise Edition from v1.0 to v4.0.

 PERPS has proved its efforts in achieving the total business integration among all types of manufacturing industries across the globe in last 15years and it continues to win customer trust.

 Having achieved the said integration mentioned above at various customers’ location, we would be glad to cater this service for your organization.

Instant, automatic accounting.

Financial accounting can be a significant source of overhead, but it doesn’t have to be. PERPS ERP can automatically account for common transactions as soon as they occur, including

Increase productivity through integration of outside systems.

You might be surprised how much inefficient processes are costing you. If your employees are using outside systems to ship packages, manually copying data from one system to another, or using spreadsheets to manage day-to-day activities, you could be losing hundreds of productive hours every month while increasing the chance of costly mistakes.

High security-without added barriers for your employees.

PERPS makes it easy for staff to manage common processes like order entry, stock counts, shipping, and receiving. While off the shelf software often gives your staff full access to your sensitive accounting and payroll records, PERPS allow you to restrict employees’ accounts only to the processes that are relevant to their roles.

This type of role-based security means that you can extend access to all your employees, while keeping their permissions locked down so they can only access what they need to do their jobs.

Easily expand or pivot without costly system upgrades.

There’s no doubt about it – investing in an ERP system can be a costly endeavor. But unlike rigid “off-the-shelf” software, PERPS will provide the flexibility necessary to expand operations, bring new locations online, or even change your business model without costly new systems.

While some old-fashioned ERP platforms required custom software development to be truly customized, PERPS ERP solutions allow a great degree of flexibility without custom code. This type of solution gives you the best of both worlds – a highly tailored experience, without specialized code that will keep you from changing processes or upgrading.


PERPS V 5.0 ERP Module List


Sr. No.



Administration Module


Purchase Module


Inventory Module


Sales and Marketing


Production Planning and Control


Human Resource Management Module


Tax Exemption Management


Import and Export Management


Service Management


Asset Management


Financial Accounting Management


Retail Sales Management


Automated Email Management

*** Modules and features will vary based on the editions and modules opted for by the customer

Target Customers for PERPS v5.0

Customer Category

Suggested Solution

Any type of manufacturing companies

All modules or selected modules based on customer requirement

Fabrication, Plant Erection and Commissioning All modules or selected modules based on customer requirement
Service Companies (Industrial, commercial , residential infrastructure based) All modules or selected modules based on customer requirement
After sales warranty, maintenance contract service providers Service management module along with other modules of customer choice
Any type of companies Individual modules – Purchase, sales and marketing,   inventory, HRMS, Financial Accounting, Asset Management

Cost implication


To be discussed and it will depend on if the enterprise will be implemented or Lite. Meanwhile, the cost of the PERPS ERP will include the following:

  1. PERPS Enterprise Server (include 1 user)
  2. User Licenses
  3. Solution Deployment , setup, configuration and 3 months support
  4. Training
  5. PERPS- MES (Manufacturing Execution System

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